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Two Choirs win awards at the Big Sing

Two Westlake Choirs won awards at the Auckland Regional Big Sing Championships in mid-June. The mixed Westlake Girls & Westlake Boys Choir Choralation won awards for “Best performance of an unaccompanied work” and “Best festival recital programme” in the mixed choir category. The Westlake Girls Choir Cantare won the award for runners up in the “Best festival recital programme by a female choir”.

Upcoming teacher-only day

Westlake Girls Teacher-Only Day Friday 6 September

WGHS has a Teacher Only Day on Friday, 6 September, as we are hosting the 'Educating Girls' Symposium. There are no classes for WGHS students on 6 September.

Y11, Y12 & Y13 students have school examinations starting Monday, 9 September, and should use this day to prepare for them.

Y10 has the NZQA Reading, Writing and Numeracy corequisite assessments starting on 18 September and should also use this day to prepare for those assessments.