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NCEA Information Evening

On Tuesday 31 May we are holding an evening for Level 1 NCEA students and parents/caregivers to provide you with the knowledge of how NCEA works, and how to get the best possible Certificate from the year. It will be held at 6.30pm in the Event Centre.

Due to the high volume of people that will be onsite, we strongly suggest wearing a mask. All of our staff will be wearing masks on the night. 

There is parking available in the two staff car parks. We will be starting promptly so please be in and seated by 6.30pm. It takes about 45 minutes to go through all the key material. One of our Careers staff will speak for about 5 minutes at the end of the presentation. You will get two very useful handouts to take away that summarise the key information. There will be a number of other senior staff with great NCEA knowledge that can answer individual questions at the end of the presentation.  Please bring a pen in case you want to add any extra notes to the handout.

There is no need to RSVP.

Open Evening

Open Evening for students wanting to enrol at Westlake Girls for 2025

We will hold an Open Evening for those considering enrolling at Westlake Girls in 2025 on Tuesday, 23 July. There will be a brief talk at 4 pm and repeated at 6 pm in our Event Centre. These talks will then be followed by guided tours of the school. All are welcome. No need to book; just come along.

Online enrolment opened on 1 July. See here.