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Measles information

There has been some mis-information circulating the school today around the measles and NCEA exams.

To clarify and reassure: there are currently no students or staff who have measles at Westlake Girls High School. We are advising students to be vigilant and visit their doctor if they have any symptoms or concerns. Because we have not had an outbreak of measles, our school is operating as per usual and all students are expected to be present. The only students who are at risk of catching the measles are those who have not been vaccinated. We have asked students to check with their parents regarding this.


There has also been a false rumour circulating today that the November NZQA examinations have been cancelled due to the measles outbreak in Auckland. Again, this is not true – they will be held as scheduled. In the unlikely scenario of an ‘unexpected event’ in November (e.g. serious illness, hospitalisation, bereavement of close family member or natural disaster) there are measures in place for students to receive a representative grade. 

If the unexpected event affects just one student (like a bereavement of close family member), they are able to apply for a derived grade and will need to supply evidence regarding the unexpected event. However, if the unexpected event affects a group of students (like a natural disaster or outbreak), the school will manage the application for all the grades.

Open Evening

Open Evening for students wanting to enrol at Westlake Girls for 2025

We will hold an Open Evening for those considering enrolling at Westlake Girls in 2025 on Tuesday, 23 July. There will be a brief talk at 4 pm and repeated at 6 pm in our Event Centre. These talks will then be followed by guided tours of the school. All are welcome. No need to book; just come along.

Online enrolment opened on 1 July. See here.