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Information for school reopening 18 May

At Level 2 our focus is on minimising the risk of anyone becoming infected and to ensure we can identify and contact anyone quickly should we need to. Our school has been cleaned and classrooms will be checked and set up by staff from Thursday. We have arranged contact tracing registers, and other safety measures are in place as we now prepare for a full return of students on Monday 18 May.

The expectation is that all students will be attending at Alert Level 2, with the exception of students who are sick. If your child will not be attending school in person, parents or caregivers are required to notify the school by Thursday May 14 before 12pm.


Here are some answers to possible questions you may have:

What happens on Monday 18 May?

Your daughter will need to be in her Form Class for an 8.50am start. Monday is Day One on your daughter’s timetable so she should have all the materials she needs for those classes, including PE gear.

Will school buses be operating?

Yes. It is expected that public transport to WGHS will be available from Monday. Please note that your daughter will need a HOP Card as cash will not be accepted. You can register her HOP Card which would assist with contact tracing if needed.

What is the school doing to keep students safe?

  • We will have hand sanitizer available on entry to classrooms and shared spaces.
  • There will be soap available in all bathrooms.
  • We will encourage students to regularly wash and dry their hands, cough and sneeze into their elbow and try to avoid touching their face.
  • All surfaces will be disinfected daily.
  • A contact tracing register will be set up to identify which students, teachers, support staff and visitors are on site and where. Signing of the register will be strictly enforced.
  • Hand washing will be mandatory before and after physical activity using equipment. All equipment will be sanitised after use.
  • Students will not be allowed offsite during lunchtime, unless signed out by a parent.

My daughter is sick – what’s the procedure?

Parents are encouraged to keep any sick teens at home – even for the mildest illness. Please notify the school through by 8.50am that morning if your daughter is unwell.

Will sports resume next week?

The WGHS Sports Department will wait until the second week back (Monday 25 May) for training and trials to start up again. PE classes will resume from Monday 18 May.

Will classrooms be reconfigured to allow social distancing?
We will endeavour to ensure our students have space where practicable, however it is more important for them to practice good hygiene.

Will my daughter be part of any large gathering at the school?
There are no restrictions on the numbers of people gathering either inside or outside in our school environment. However, we will not be holding assemblies for the first few weeks and when we do introduce them again, we will reduce the number of students attending each session. The school grounds are large enough for students to be adequately dispersed during breaks.

As we did before lockdown, we will continue to be guided by the Ministry of Education, and adhere to their advice. The health of our students and staff is paramount, and we will strictly adhere to the procedures outlined above.

Open Evening

Open Evening for students wanting to enrol at Westlake Girls for 2025

We will hold an Open Evening for those considering enrolling at Westlake Girls in 2025 on Tuesday, 23 July. There will be a brief talk at 4 pm and repeated at 6 pm in our Event Centre. These talks will then be followed by guided tours of the school. All are welcome. No need to book; just come along.

Online enrolment opened on 1 July. See here.