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Back to school information for parents

Today’s Government announcement was exactly the return to school message we were hoping for, and as such, school will resume tomorrow, Thursday 18 February.

Tomorrow will be about reconnecting and understanding where our students are at, academically and emotionally. Please encourage your daughter to speak to her teachers if she is unsure about any aspect of her work or being back at school.

I am emailing your daughter today, to reassure her that we are looking forward to seeing her back at school tomorrow, and there will be plenty of support if needed. Masks will be needed on public transport, however this is not a requirement at school and is up to your daughter. After our previous lockdowns, many students did choose to wear masks for a period of time.


Public buses are likely to have distancing restrictions which means lower loading limits under Alert 2. Students will need to take this into account and have options for getting to and from school if they usually use a public bus. All students must wear a face mask on public buses.

School buses have no distancing requirements and will operate as usual.

Please remember that all bus stops and stations are public spaces, so social distancing requirements have to be followed.

Operating at Level 2

In practical terms, our school has been cleaned and classrooms set up and we have processes and systems in place to ensure we meet the requirements of Alert Level 2. Our robust review of procedures during the previous lockdowns reassures us that we are ready for all eventualities.

We will have hand sanitiser in all classrooms, however we do recommend your daughter brings her own.

During Level 2, no students will be permitted off-site during morning tea or lunchtime, except if they have an appointment. This only affects our Year 13 students, so please pass on this information to your daughter if she is Year 13.

If Year 13s have a study period during Period 5 and wish to leave school early, they need to sign out using the form on our App and website (under Student Services). When this happens, an alert will be sent to their Form Teacher for tracking purposes.

Our canteen will be open from tomorrow for lunch and snacks. We do ask you to encourage your daughter not to share food or drink and to be very vigilant with hand-washing. Our teachers will be encouraging good hygiene, so the message will be coming through loud and clear on a daily basis.

The Ministry of Education Alert Level 2 instructions state that if parents/guardians come onto the school grounds to pick up or drop off a student, they must come into the office to scan the QR code or sign the contact register – so please arrange to drop off or pick up your daughter outside of the school site where possible. This also applies if you are dropping something off to your daughter during the day. While Alert Level 2 is operating, our preference is for you to avoid coming into the school unless it is absolutely necessary.

Swimming Sports
Our Swimming Sports will be held as planned this Friday. If your daughter is attending, she should have all the information she needs, however we do have information on our website if needed.

Athletics Day

Our Athletics Day on Friday 26 February can also be held at Alert Level 2.

Open Evening

Open Evening for students wanting to enrol at Westlake Girls for 2025

We will hold an Open Evening for those considering enrolling at Westlake Girls in 2025 on Tuesday, 23 July. There will be a brief talk at 4 pm and repeated at 6 pm in our Event Centre. These talks will then be followed by guided tours of the school. All are welcome. No need to book; just come along.

Online enrolment opened on 1 July. See here.