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Latest News

Parent Teacher Evening 7 July

Our Mid-Year Parent Teacher Evening will take place on Wednesday 7 July. This is our second and final Parent Teacher Evening for 2021. We have a new booking system in place, details of which will be released with your daughter’s report on Wednesday 30 June (both Junior and Senior students). 

We will email parents with more information nearer the time. 

Upcoming teacher-only day

Westlake Girls Teacher-Only Day Friday 6 September

WGHS has a Teacher Only Day on Friday, 6 September, as we are hosting the 'Educating Girls' Symposium. There are no classes for WGHS students on 6 September.

Y11, Y12 & Y13 students have school examinations starting Monday, 9 September, and should use this day to prepare for them.

Y10 has the NZQA Reading, Writing and Numeracy corequisite assessments starting on 18 September and should also use this day to prepare for those assessments.