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Lockdown emails to parents and students

Here are the emails we have sent to parents and students during the August-October 2021 lockdown. We will keep adding the emails here when they are sent. 

To Parents

17 August – Level 4 lockdown information
19 August – WGHS’s approach to online learning
20 August – Locations of interest
23 August – Staying at Alert Level 4
24 August – Locations of interest and school exams cancelled
27 August – NCEA exams and part-time jobs
13 September – Staying at Alert Level 4 and Consolidation Day
20 September – WGHS at Level 3, and Year 9 subject options
22 September – Students collecting items from school
27 September – Parents Forum morning tea
13 October – Government Announcement
21 October – Junior students continuing with online learning
21 October – Senior students returning to school
Attachment for 21 October: Return to school for Senior students
25 October – Changes to return to school
26 October – Return to school checklist

To Students

17 August – Level 4 lockdown information
19 August – Settling into online learning and upcoming events
20 August – Locations of interest
23 August – Staying at Level 4, College Sport, BoT elections, Sporting Excellence Award
24 August – School exams cancelled
27 August – NCEA exams, BoT elections, part-time jobs
1 September – Staying at Level 4
13 September – Staying at Alert Level 4 and Consolidation Day
20 September – WGHS at Level 3, and Year 9 subject options
22 September – Students collecting items from school
1 October – End of term message from Mrs Stanley
13 October – Term 4 changes
21 October – Junior Students online learning continuing
21 October – Senior students returning to school
Attachment for 21 October: Return to school for Senior students
25 October – Changes to return to school
26 October – Return to school checklist

Other information

Changes to NCEA – Message for whānau

Open Evening

Open Evening for students wanting to enrol at Westlake Girls for 2025

We will hold an Open Evening for those considering enrolling at Westlake Girls in 2025 on Tuesday, 23 July. There will be a brief talk at 4 pm and repeated at 6 pm in our Event Centre. These talks will then be followed by guided tours of the school. All are welcome. No need to book; just come along.

Online enrolment opened on 1 July. See here.