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Student Life

Sport at Westlake Girls High School

Westlake Girls is one of New Zealand’s leading sporting schools, with a strong commitment to sporting excellence. All our students are encouraged to participate in a school sport during their time at Westlake. We have over 30 sports ranging from Athletics to Yachting with opportunities both for the committed athlete to develop their potential, and also for others to play at social or beginner level. Engagement in sport enables students to experience the health benefits that sport offers while building a strong team and school spirit which involves staff, students and the extended Westlake community. In addition to providing opportunities to develop personal and leadership skills, sport also fosters social interaction and a sense of fair play.

The success of sport at Westlake Girls relies on volunteers working away in the background to promote individuals and teams. Each sport has a school coordinator who is supported by staff, parents, caregivers and senior students for coaches and managers. Sport at Westlake Girls is based on a user-pay system.

The Sports Department located in P9 provides information on all sporting activities. Please note, from Tuesday, 4 June, it will be located next to Gym 3, where the old Tuck Shop used to be.

The Sports Department is open during school hours for queries or alternatively contact:  You can also find our Sport Brochure, Code of Behaviour and useful links below.



Sport Contacts

Leisen Jobe Head of Faculty: PE, Health and Sport 09 49 41 69 Ext 781 Email
April Ieremia Director of Sport  09 489 4169 Ext 704 Email
Elizabeth O’Leary Sports Manager 09 489 4169 Ext 713 Email
Will Lacey Sports Manager 09 489 4169 Ext 717 Email
Ian Bright Head of Rowing 09 489 4169 Ext 717 Email
Ria Nathu Sports Co-ordinator 09 489 4169 Ext 764 Email
Moira Clarke Sports Complex Bookings 09 489 4169  Email

Supporting Sport at Westlake Girls

Sport at Westlake Girls would not be possible without the support of our local community. As one of New Zealand’s largest girls’ schools, we can add value to your business by connecting your brand with our diverse local community. If you would like to become a partner of Westlake Girls Sport please contact Dean Flyger

The top 14 teams at WGHS are proudly supported by Archibald and Shorter North Shore

Open Evening

Open Evening for students wanting to enrol at Westlake Girls for 2025

We will hold an Open Evening for those considering enrolling at Westlake Girls in 2025 on Tuesday, 23 July. There will be a brief talk at 4 pm and repeated at 6 pm in our Event Centre. These talks will then be followed by guided tours of the school. All are welcome. No need to book; just come along.

Online enrolment opened on 1 July. See here.