How did you feel when you learned you would be in this role?

When I got the call, I was in shock but also full of excitement. I remember hearing about all the other talented, smart girls who got an interview and was honoured to be among them.

Ultimately, I was so grateful to be given the opportunity and to have people at school who believed in me and my abilities. It can be challenging in a big school to feel like people are seeing your full potential. I thought I wouldn’t have the best chance at getting the role as I didn’t have the longest list of extracurriculars, and my blazer wasn’t filled with badges like others. How would I ever get to show them who I was and what I stood for in such a short amount of time?

Therefore, I was so proud of myself when I got the call. It showed me that you don’t need all the fancy titles or the long resumes; you just need to be yourself – kind, enthusiastic, or whatever strong qualities you may have. I knew this role would open many new opportunities for me and my future, and I am ready to take every one of them.

Why do you think you were chosen (what special leadership qualities do you believe you have?)

I believe I was chosen for this role due to my enthusiasm, drive for excellence, kindness, and personable character. I have always immersed myself in being the best person I can be and setting high standards for myself. (Not in a toxic way. I tend to do it without even realising). I have grown up in a family that challenges my ideas, lets me share my opinions, and has allowed me to grow into someone who loves to chat with anyone I come across. Due to this, I have always been able to come up with new challenges for myself, have the confidence to put myself out there and be comfortable in my own skin. Of course, this isn’t always the case for me, as everyone goes through times when they can be uncomfortable or shy. However, I strongly believe that everything will unfold the way it is meant to. In other words, everything will be fine if you put yourself out there.

It can be hard to share what you believe is good about yourself, especially as young girls – we can sometimes tend to be too humble. However, I have learned that it is okay to believe in yourself and share your good qualities – doing this has helped me gain my role.

I believe that I am confident and a good leader, but not so over-confident that I become overpowering. I believe that I am approachable and personable, which are qualities you would want to have in a leadership role so you can connect with your peers. I want the best for myself but also for everyone around me. I love seeing people succeed or reach their personal best.

How do you intend to use your position ‘for good’ this year?

I want to use my role to inspire others to be the best they can be as well. I want to show that, yes, becoming involved with lots of extracurriculars, being book smart, and having lots of badges can be important and rewarding. However, these are not the things that will make you the best person you can be. You also must be kind and strong-minded and recognise that the way you make yourself and others feel is what’s most important.

It can be easy, especially as teenage girls, to focus on superficial things, especially trying to get into leadership roles. However, I want to show my peers that it is so much more than that. I will openly say that when I was going for this role, I was comparing myself to others, wondering if I would be good enough. I was worried that I didn’t have enough badges and that my resume wasn’t long enough. You get the gist. However, I forgot to remind myself that it doesn’t all come down to that.

Therefore, this year, my goal in my role is to remind others that the person you are inside is what matters. I want to show them this by being the best person that I can be from the inside, too. Hopefully, by continuing to share this message, Westlake Girls will believe in themselves a little more, be kind, strong, compassionate, embody Mana Wahine, and recognise that it is ok to share what strong qualities they have. The person you are and the qualities you bring forth will shine through any superficial things, so make that version of yourself the best you can!