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Student Welfare

Careers Department

The Careers Department The Careers Department has moved to P6 behind the gymnasium. All information relating to careers news, updates and tertiary studies can be found on the Westlake Girls Careers Wise website

All students can request one-to-one career counselling sessions which can be scheduled during the school day. Students can make appointments through Career Central  by logging in using their school ID and clicking the pink “mail box”.  Parents can also email the team to make an appointment for their daughter and/or themselves. Email details below. Careers staff are available before and after school, at interval and at lunchtime to assist with inquiries. Parent/caregiver inquiries are also welcome. Appointments can be arranged so that parents/caregivers can attend with their daughter. 

Career Bites: 2024 Dates TBC

University Open Days 2024: Dates TBC

The Careers Department can help students:

  • Explore options for future pathways
  • Find and research resources so they can make informed decisions
  • Form links with tertiary providers
  • Consider alternative pathways
  • Check entry requirements for courses
  • Enquire about job opportunities
  • Prepare a CV and cover letter
  • Improve interview skills
  • Select subjects for future study
  • Apply for University Scholarships
  • Apply for Halls of Residence
  • Apply for overseas universities

Annual Careers Department Events

  • Year 13 Tertiary Night – 21 March 6.30pm at the Events Centre
  • Westlake Careers Expo (Term 2)
  • Lunchtime Speakers are invited throughout the year from a range of providers, work places and alumni (Career Bites)
  • University visits for enrolment assistance (Term 3)
  • Tertiary Provider Open Days
  • Tertiary Provider Experience Days
  • KATTI for Māori students
  • PILOT for Pasifika students

Careers Staff

Liz Woods – Head of Careers
Dip PE, Dip Tchg, Diploma of Career Development (NMIT) 
Ph: 489 4169 Ext 205

Gemma James
Careers Adviser Diploma in Career Guidance (NMIT)
Ph: 489 4169 Ext 208

Kiri Wilson-Cudby
Gateway Coordinator: See the Gateway Programme for more information
BA (First Class Honours (Diplomacy and International Relations)), LLB, MA (Political Science)
Ph: 489 4169 Ext 733

Teresa Winstone
BSc, Grad Dip Educ, MBS, Grad. Cert Career Development
Ph: 489 4169 Ext 277

Open Evening

Open Evening for students wanting to enrol at Westlake Girls for 2025

We will hold an Open Evening for those considering enrolling at Westlake Girls in 2025 on Tuesday, 23 July. There will be a brief talk at 4 pm and repeated at 6 pm in our Event Centre. These talks will then be followed by guided tours of the school. All are welcome. No need to book; just come along.

Online enrolment opened on 1 July. See here.