STEAM Programme

STEAM education creates a learning platform that recognises the importance of creativity and innovation in the future to solve real-world problems, connecting the learning to the real world, giving it a purpose.
– Susana Tomaz, TIC STEAM

Our vision is: To create a learning culture of curiosity in which students will engage in the world they are living in.

We have two pathways:

  • STEAM – pathway for Junior School students
  • ESTEAM – pathway for Senior School students

Take a look at our latest Newsletter HERE


Year 8 applications are invited at the enrolment evening after our Open Evening in July. Year 8 students must complete the STEAM Application Form online after our Enrolment Evenings. Following a selection process, identified Year 8 students will be contacted.

Pathway for Year 9 and 10 Students

A non-Steam Student:   


Social Studies



PE & Health

A Steam Student



Social Studies



PE & Health

Year 9 options

Language options

Art Options

Technology Options

Year 9 options

Language options

Art options

Robotics and Papertronics

Year 10 options

3 options

Year 10 options

Innovation Lab

Community Project

2 further options

Our Programme

Westlake Girls High School has been developing a STEAM programme involving an integrated and innovative approach to the teaching of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics, aligned to the UN Sustainable Goals.

It is widely acknowledged that STEAM programmes are critical in producing well-rounded and well-grounded global citizens for the coming century by providing motivating and engaging real-world contexts in which students can acquire and apply Knowledge and other skills and understanding while becoming true agents of their own learning. Students become more agile, adaptive, and able to learn both collaboratively and independently whilst building capabilities required for their futures.

At Westlake Girls High School we are STEAMing ahead, promoting partnerships with businesses/industries to help bridge the youth skills gap and we have launch ESTEAM into our Senior School this year, extending the STEAM pathway beyond Junior School.

ESTEAM has the addition of Entrepreneurship, supported by our STEAM Power-ED initiative to enable us to establish new partnerships between WGHS and Industry and incorporate work experience into the programme.

The report, Preparing tomorrow’s workforce for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. For business: A framework for action calls on the business community to take a more proactive role in preparing today’s youth to ensure they are ready to become the workforce of tomorrow. We are seeking to forge connections and establish mutually beneficial relationships with business and industry leaders to join us on this amazing journey. Together we can transform education and shape our girls to be future ready.

What our students enjoy about STEAM

Find out how STEAM encouraged Hannah Jones to take risks and try new things.

Lily Winchester’s winning interactive story book was created for a STEAM community project.

STEAM helped shape Natalija Hayes’ thinking and introduced her to the world of robotics and technology.


Innovation is significantly shaping our world having a transformative effect on the world -on businesses, societies, economies, cultures and our personal lives. The future of work is becoming increasingly more difficult to accurately predict or even imagine. The speed of change also calls for an updated skillset, calling for workers to quickly adapt, to learn new approaches to challenges, to think more critically, and to collaborate.

Learners need not just knowledge, but also skills, attitudes and values to thrive in and shape their own future for a more empowered global citizenship.

Developing Transformative Competencies Through ESTEAM

To meet the challenges of the 21st century, learners need to feel that they can help shape a world where well-being and sustainability – for themselves, for others, and for the planet – is achievable. The OECD Learning Compass 2030 identifies three “transformative competencies” that students need in order to contribute to our world and shape a better future: creating new value, reconciling tensions and dilemmas, and taking responsibility. It also sets out an aspirational vision for the future of education, emphasising the need for students to learn to navigate by themselves through unfamiliar contexts, and find their direction in a meaningful and responsible way.

Our STEAM programme is well aligned to the OCED Education Learning Compass providing several opportunities for interconnections and interactions across different learning areas which was showcased at our Innovation Expo.

E-STEAM stands for Entrepreneurship, Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths. Our E-STEAM programme will help you lead the way and future-proof yourself and stand out from the crowd.

Enterprise STEAM (E-STEAM) provides you with the opportunity to adopt an innovative mindset, develop 21st century skills further including their financial capabilities, business and entrepreneurship skills while having an impact in your community. This option line benefits from a combination of teachers and members of the business community to provide an experience that is both authentic and relevant to the world we live in.  To support your growth and development in the E-STEAM field you will have the opportunity to take part in an internship and learn directly from Businesses and Industries.

You will use principles of design thinking/human centered design to develop innovative solutions for the community while developing finance capabilities for your personal life as in a business/enterprise context and the potential for you to create your own start-up. You will work collaboratively to develop your ideas into a feasible business/social enterprise which will be aligned to the UN sustainable goals.