
Our parents help provide a quality education for our students by giving a voluntary contribution. The donations are used to give your daughter opportunities beyond what is funded by the government because we know they make a real difference to her success.

We use the money for:

  • Employing additional teachers so we can offer a wide range of subject choices and smaller classes in some cases.
  • Resources to support learning, such as:
    • updating and maintaining IT equipment, including audio-visual gear, projectors and state-of-the-art computers.
    • technology equipment for specialist subjects such as STEAM and robotics.
    • specialist equipment for areas such as music, sports and performing arts.
  • Subsidising curriculum trips to the community, including teacher relief costs. These are an important way for students to connect their classroom learning to the workplace, and create opportunities for future career paths.
  • Extra coaching and tuition costs for groups such as sports and music.

The school donation for 2025 is $625 per student, or $820 for families with two or more students at WGHS. The quickest payment method is through the parent portal (SchoolBridge), which can be accessed from the school website. The school issues the Tax Donation Certificates on request, so please do not hesitate to contact us after 1 April, and we can email this to you.

Payments can also be made directly into the school bank account 03-0275-0045494-00 or at the Payments Office, which is open from 8 am to 3:15 pm.

Note: to receive a tax credit on your donation, payment must be made by the end of the financial year (Friday, 31 March).

Things to note:
• Your annual donation can be a one-off payment, or you can pay instalments:

Weekly x 40 ($15.60 single students/$20.50 two or more students – calculated over 40 weeks, to be cleared by the end of the school year)

Fortnightly x 20 ($31.20/$41.00)

Monthly x 10 ($62.50/$82.50), or

Per term x 4 ($156.25/$205) via internet banking.

• While a full donation provides more opportunities for our students, we appreciate a partial donation if your family has financial constraints. Every bit helps.
• You can claim one-third of your full or partial donation as a tax credit.
• A donation of more than $100 enables your daughter to receive a free yearbook at the end of the year.
• Value option of $820 for families with two or more students at WGHS. Note: the donation is capped at $820 per year.  Families with three or more students at WGHS do not pay extra.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email [email protected] or call Accounts – 489 4169 Ext 739.

Athletics Day today - 21 Feb

Have a fantastic day, everyone!