Partner Stories

Westlake Girls and Volvo Cars

Revving up Success Together!

How did the partnership come about?

The creation of our partnership involved careful consideration of how our strengths complemented each other. We recognised that by combining our resources, expertise, and networks, we could amplify our impact and reach a broader audience. The partnership was born out of a shared vision, strategic alignment, and a commitment to making a positive difference. The strength of this relationship is a testament to the power of collaboration and the belief that by working together, we can accomplish far more than we ever could alone.

How has the collaboration between Westlake Girls and Volvo Cars North Shore evolved?

It has evolved significantly over time, reflecting the dynamic nature of our partnership and our shared commitment to growth and innovation. The collaboration has grown into a dynamic, multifaceted partnership that goes beyond sponsorship. It is exemplified by mutual respect, shared goals, and a commitment to continuous improvement, ensuring that we continue to make a meaningful impact together for years to come.

Could you elaborate on the various ways in which you support Westlake Girls High School?

We have given the Sports Director a Volvo to drive to and from sporting events. This car is sign-written with both Volvo and WGHS logos. We also have the honour of presenting the Volvo Cars North Shore Sportswomen of the Year award at Westlake’s end-of-year Sports Awards. More recently, we have been exploring the idea of students working for us part-time as an introduction to the workforce.

What benefits do Volvo Cars North Shore derive from your partnership with WGHS?

The partnership between Volvo Cars North Shore and Westlake Girls High School is mutually beneficial, offering a range of advantages for both parties. For Volvo Cars North Shore, the partnership provides valuable brand exposure and visibility within the local community. By aligning with Westlake Girls High School, a respected educational institution, Volvo Cars North Shore can enhance its reputation as a socially responsible company committed to supporting education and youth development. This association with WGHS helps to strengthen Volvo Cars North Shore’s position as a trusted and reputable automotive brand in the region.

What are the long-term goals and aspirations for the partnership between Volvo Cars North Shore and Westlake Girls High School?

From our perspective, the long-term goals and aspirations for the partnership between Volvo Cars North Shore and Westlake Girls High School (WGHS) are centred around fostering sustainable growth, mutual learning, and lasting impact. One key long-term goal is to deepen the partnership by expanding the scope of collaboration beyond traditional forms of support, such as sponsorships or donations. We aim to develop strategic initiatives and programs that align with both organisations’ missions and create meaningful opportunities for students, faculty, and the community.

What message would you like to convey to other potential sponsors or community partners considering supporting educational institutions like Westlake Girls High School?

We would like to emphasise the transformative power of collaboration and the profound impact that your support can have on shaping the future.

First and foremost, supporting educational institutions is an investment in the future of our communities and society. By partnering with schools like Westlake Girls High School, you can make a tangible difference in the lives of students, empowering them with the knowledge, skills, and opportunities they need to succeed in an increasingly complex and interconnected world.

Furthermore, supporting education is not just a philanthropic endeavour; it’s also a strategic investment in the future workforce and leaders. By aligning your brand or organisation with educational initiatives, you can help nurture the next generation of talent, fostering innovation, diversity, and excellence in your industry or community.

“It is an honour and a privilege to partner with Volvo Cars North Shore. The relationship embodies the excellent connection between the participation and passion for sport that we promote at Westlake Girls. Thanks to Volvo, we can provide our Premier teams with their stunning hoodies. The Volvo team also supports the school in many other ways, such as donating generous auction items, which they did recently for our Premier Basketball Team’s Quiz Night fundraiser for the team’s trip to China.”

– April Ieremia, Director of Sport at Westlake Girls